Marielle Heuvelman (NL), claw care cattle (English)

Klauwverzorging Koe

In diary it is common for cows to be seen 1 to 2 times a year for claw care. The cow goes into the trimming box and the claws are trimmed where necessary. Marielle says:

“Cows usually walk on concrete grids in winter and then there is natural wear and tear of the claw; in the summer they also go out in the meadow (fortunately on most farms), but to get there they also walk often over a conrete path. For cows, it is especially important that the nutrition is in order. Often you can already estimate at the type of silage grass, what the problems will be in the coming year; a grass pit with a lot of energy and little structure provides can cause problems with the claws: The horn becomes weaker, bruises and tears earlier and is more susceptible to bacteria. The farmer can anticipate this by adding other foods, and a correct mineral balance is also very important. So that’s kind of the same with the horses. The cows that are crippled, of course, come earlier – or more often – for treatment, although you are always too late when a cow is visibly lame. Then there is often already a large ulcer, a white line defect and / or mortellaro (the same type of bacteria as rotting at horses hooves) present. It is also difficult for a farmer to be on top of each individual cow. For example, with more than 100 cows, there is no time to put a cow in a herd box every day to treat (although that would certainly be better), and treating it by hand is really not an option for most cows. Although I am sure that it ia cow can be learned to give a leglike a horse, or that she lays down when something needs to be done on the feet.”

The experience with Hoof Armor is a bit twofold, according to Marielle. For example, she indicates that it works super with white line defects, thin soles and necrosis. The lesser thing is that it has to be applied to a dry surface. Marielle explains: “Especially with white line defects and necrosis, we try to remove as much as possible. What then gives some blood, and you can no longer treat. The cow needs to be bandaged first with copper-zinc paste. The wound can stop bleeding and it keeps it clean and dry. If possible, 1 or 2 days later, the bandage is taking off and and the claw is ready to be treated with Hoof Armor. Then you see the best results, because with HoofArmor the defect (with the living tissue) is well protected against manure and urine so that the healing is faster. Thin sole is the simplest then the claw stays dry after trimming, and Hoof Armor can then immediately put on it. 

A bobbin is often stuck to the healthy claw to give the damaged claw a rest to heal. So conclusion: Works super nice as protection against manure, urine and bacteria.

Applying is sometimes not possible when there is blood; the farmer could do it himself, a few days later. It is that I have Hoof Armor with me, since it gives very nice results. And actually I hope that the farmer will be motivated to apply it himself. After he has to remove the bandage. With Hoof Armor there are just better conditions to heal, so a happier cow, which eats better and eventually gives more milk.”

In the contact with Marielle we were a bit shocked by ‘in life’ working of the claw. Marielle indicates that it is a bit normal that life is touched. This mainly has to do with the fact that all the affected materiall has to be removed, so that it cannot immediately become a new source of infection.

Below are two more pictures of a cow’s claw with large white line defect. She had been in the bandage for two days. One of them just trimmed and after that in bandage, and the other after two days with HoofArmor on it, and talcum powder, so that the cow can go directly back to the group.


Marielle Heuvelman,

Professional ClawCare Cattle 

Klauwverzorging Koe





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